Sunday, August 24, 2008
Natsu Matsuri
We girls in Yukata!!

Click for larger size~For our free food and tickets we do Sai Kang haha! TPJCG Workers group shot!!
Overall the event was okay haha. First half of the day just sucks, and my EXTREME curls failed haha. From the working part onwards, it's more fun idk why lol XD Anyway after reading someone's blog, I realised I missed out a lot of good food. Nevermind, there is still next year XD
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Obviously I am not studying again lol *hides*
Ya I resized some formal photos haha but just don't wanna post my face here anymore.
Just some random empty thoughts...Haha actually I used not to feel fun anymore. A lot of stuff people feel it's fun, but to me it's like haha Okay la. No, not that it's sian/boring just that it's hard to get back that extreme feelings, don't feel it. But recently, it got somewhat better I could feel some bits of it, not that bad. HAHAHA gawd I like randomly laughing now XD
Instead now, I don't feel friendship anymore. It's disappearing. Hmm like that. Hardly feeling it, no idea if it'll get better or it will stop haha. So sick and tired of getting some stuff back. Maybe if it gets that worse, I'll reconsider.
Nahhhh I am not emo-ing, more of sighing? Just feel like spreading this out. Maybe to people it seems like I am always emo-ing on the surface, haha but to me, not really.
It's no big deal if people don't understand what I am talking about, haha some don't feel it, and most don't understand it. Doesn't matter anymore, in fact
I rather hope people don't try to understand instead of making assumptions and then misunderstood haha, especially in the relationship side?I don't wanna frigging seems retarded. Hey I am some sort struggling and I got this sucky feeling.
I don't hold hope in
this part anymore.
我不是人家想得那麽弱好不好, 我還要支撐很多咚咚的耶,反而只是沒自己想的那麽強。
Friday, August 8, 2008
OMG FINALLY, WDS DONE!Now time for ranting and random post.
Left Java JAVAAAAAAA! Cast help meeeee! lolI almost died these few days.
Sadly to say, I managed to submit the website in time but I didn't complete it ;_;
Missing one page and GALLERY never put in at all. Pro ah.
If late no deduction of marks, I could have at least inserted some pictures *scared to risk*
And I got 2 days MC since I went to see the doctor. Kinda have flu. Addicted to
'Witch Doctor' by Chipmunks last few days, don't know why lol.
I seriously hope Java got retest (and not so soon) if not I 15% ->> 0. But less stresser now.
These few days super traumatising, and keep cabbing...So broke. Haiz, no idea if I will ever learn my session.
On the brighter side, I got 2 clothes, 5 bucks each XD Cheap right hahaha I want a thin belt now. Anyway, presentation next Thursday...SIAN!
Haha sticking with Punk + Formal again. Bought a black ring, borrowing black tie from friend, just missing a geeky white/black specs lol. Thank goodness no CCA that day hahahas. Bought some hair accessories also, got a hairband, so unsuitable on me lol.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Streeeesssed Xd
I know I disappointed myself and people because of my slackness...Honestly to say, I can't really change that now lol, but I will try my
best to cope. Haha go ahead and slap me for doing nothing.
This week stuffCMSY - Mock Exam [Mon]
WDS - Download dreamweaver and making webby [Tues]
Java - Learn everything [Thurs]
V Lit - Sketch [Fri]
Dang it, I have CCA today, plus I going there on Monday...Haha XD *am soooooo dead*
Ahhhhh I am alcohol deprived, was so tempted yesterday >_> Nvm, I'll go crazy on it during JCG retreat haha~
But...Okay so no RO for me this week!