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Friday, November 28, 2008

What should I cosplay for Cosplay Challenge 09? I can't decide as I want something useful, simple yet nice and don't want something too hard.

And quiz...!

You are The Moon

Hope, expectation, Bright promises.

The Moon is a card of magic and mystery - when prominent you know that nothing is as it seems, particularly when it concerns relationships. All logic is thrown out the window.

The Moon is all about visions and illusions, madness, genius and poetry. This is a card that has to do with sleep, and so with both dreams and nightmares. It is a scary card in that it warns that there might be hidden enemies, tricks and falsehoods. But it should also be remembered that this is a card of great creativity, of powerful magic, primal feelings and intuition. You may be going through a time of emotional and mental trial; if you have any past mental problems, you must be vigilant in taking your medication but avoid drugs or alcohol, as abuse of either will cause them irreparable damage. This time however, can also result in great creativity, psychic powers, visions and insight. You can and should trust your intuition.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

eaten *chomp* @ 6:28 PM

Friday, November 21, 2008

Omg I broke the number of blog entries I have than the 2005 blog I have back then XD <3 My business photoshoot coming 1st but I wanna source/brainstorm for EOY clothes if possible XD
Giving up soon.

Version of Dino I am doing:

Coat + Cargo Pants - Custom make

Contact Lens - Online

Belt - Springfield/ Daiso (repaint)

- Taping

Shirt - Black shirt + repaint

Shoe - Boots (deciding long or short one) plus cloth paste over/ Repaint sneakers

Wig cap - Chinatown, P's Park Make

Enzo - Make

Cosmetics - Eyeliner, foundation, pressed powder, eyebrow paint, eyelash + Body paint (tattoo)


eaten *chomp* @ 1:49 AM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Today, I am pretty much moody/unhappy.
Have a super long consolidating rant from me. And straight things straight.

1) I like making plans even though it wastes my time, I know I am the type who constantly need something to refer to, so I did it. It just has a very important reason behind it. Rather than thinking about what homework etc again, I like to write everythingy down then look at it even if I don't need it. Besides, it gives me a sense of certainty.

2) I hate how people turn one big round to say an obvious thing, like acting double-faced (no, this is different from asking obvious questions) inside out. This just plainly made my eyes roll.

3) Believe it or not, I am sensitive but not bad-tempered. I am concern about every damn thing possible. Thus, I might sound agitated which was just to point out my main point/concern which was never understood or even finished. AKA I loathe people asking me to chill, I AM CHILLED, even I don't sound like it to you. If I am not, and you asked, I'd tell you if I am pissed.

4) Super random, but I bloody dislike it when people complain about them being the sad party got getting ditched in a relationship cause A) Yes, the girl is bad blah blah etc, main fault lies with her blah blah BUT I don't believe such thing as total fault, the guy confirm must have some problems in him. B) The guys happen to be this surface and like this type of girl/bitch IN THE FIRST PLACE. Physically attraction -> then found out totally cmi, haha I can only conclude this as irresponsible?

5) I agree my time management sucks, but people always say you don't know 'you never been to this side and how tough their side is' etc, then actually mine is nothing compared to it blah blah. I do take into consideration the whole situation when making such statements, thus I simply hate it that the person whom actually said that did not even experience MY situation.

6) Yes, I am wasting my time blogging etc again, but does one actually knows that it serves as short breaks for me? If I don't really want to do my work, I could've dota'ed all the way, why do I care?
I absolutely cannot take it when people complain about how they chionged project for sleepless nights when the fact is that I actually CAN'T. People don't even think there is such reasons. My father don't allow me to sleep late even when I'VE TOLD HIM IT'S FOR PROJECTS' SAKE. He don't give a damn, so I said sometimes please stop asking me to ask my father to allow me to do this do that. Cause if it's possible, I WOULD HAVE DONE IT! WHICH MEANS I CAN'T GET IT?! I DON'T HAVE YOUR PARENTS. Yes, I am chilled :3

7) I frigging hate people taking/trying to take pictures of me. That is one of my biggest pet peeve and I mean it. Plus, it wasn't meant to be funny or a joke.

8) I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally hate people spreading relationship related rumors about me. This seriously hurts friendship sometimes. I am now saying and clarifying that I DON'T LIKE ANYONE FROM JCG, god dammnit and thus far, HAS NEVER LIKED ANYONE in JCG, so feel free to toss away the vivid imaginations now. And for the people now, nope :D I pretty much don't feel sensitivity anywhere and I am not interested at all or could say I hardly like someone in that way. Talking about it, for god damn sake, there are actually people who think i like 'em or actually thick-skinned enough to TELL others than I like them lawls, when they don't even think about my side and know that I am not blind and even if they slapped 1 m bucks on my face, I wouldn't even take them. Yeah, I sound like an asshole but whatever.

9) Wanna know something? Ask directly from me. Information from my friends are likely to be 60% accurately only.

10) It's very hard to be good friends with guys because of their attitude, they would never know how much you treasure them AS A FRIEND.
Also, 70% of 'meaningful-sounding words' spurted out from their mouth are quite bullshit to me.

11) I hate it how they stage the scene nicely for themselves and say out 'beautiful' words. I also don't believe others hate without a reason.
Its like A telling B the girl pretty so what I won't woo her de la, then A tells C, haha the girl super pretty sia.
My main point here is that A says that he is not interested in the girl and might swear upon it to make others believe him. IT'S TRUE. Even if A praised the girl like woah in front of C, it doesn't mean he's interested in her. However, the attitude part comes in. Unfortunately, C spreads it. And B knows it, and feels like it is so different when throwing 2 sides together, it's like ACTING two-faced, more likely unintentionally.
I'd rather people come clean with their true feelings in the first place, it might hurt but it doesn't kill and save some reputation and trouble.
This example is not pin-pointed at anyone, don't worry.

12) I don't talk or argue with people much (in face) nowadays cause I am practically sick of it. I am the type who will stumble when talking when conveying my long thoughts. However, give me the chance to sort it and type it out, you get every neat and almost complete fillings, leaving only whether the person/people will understand it or not.(like these shit)

13) I hate being categorized. People think this way, does not mean that I think this way too, even if I am with them. I have my own thoughts and frankly to say, it varies from people generally, and this doesn't mean that I can't and did not share. It's just the fact that the person cannot take in.
If someone thinks you are always childish, then you will only be viewed in that way to them. Which means, they never really see your take and mature views on certain stuff. Seriously, I am quite sick of being an total idiot. People don't know how long I've been wishing to give up that side and change generally. Smiling wide takes a lot of hard work also.

14) Sue me, so whats the deal about Design students, of course GENERALLY they are more talented in arts than others, they ARE design student, and thats one reason why they confide/take design. It's just super overrated. And all those national levels thing etc are crap and excuses (I AM TALKING ABOUT GENERAL STUFF), not everybody gives a damn and go WOW at it, going for competition shows that you outshine some people but that doesn't mean you are the most outstanding of all, and this doesn't mean there is no human from a random ulu course can beat you, the world is like that, you don't really have a stable place in society and unexpected also happens.
Example Yuki. She might not be the best, but I'd say her drawing skills would own quite some of the design students there. Tough, but this is the power of self learning.
I'd say the only edge design students have over others is that they have more time to deal with the programs cause it's part of the course itself and it don't applies to others like engine school, AS school? Who know there might be even shiner gems that had not been polished or even discovered in other schools.

15) I am a person with low self-esteem. So when I am confident about something, I do have my stuff that is enough to strut, even it is not stuff that makes people goes OMGWTHBBQ?!, at least it decent enough to earn the minimal recognition. All I can say is don't underestimated people around you, you might not know when they will overtake/surpass you one day. This also applies to my stands or sayings during 'deep' conversation. I can't say I am a photoshop expert or professional, or someone who uses it efficiently enough but sure I am able to use it better than some people in generally or rather use it for some underrated purposes. It may sound thick-skinned, but if there is supposed to be something like icontest in the real life. Can't say outdo all, but I am prepared get my ass off to own.

16) I am hard to be impressed, as I have seen almost all kind nonsense around and used to it, nothing actually becomes a big deal to me. If I expressed any admiration, I really mean it, you are that good.

17) There are probably more, haha maybe TBC or part 2? Kudos and cookies for people who actually read everything lol~ meep.

eaten *chomp* @ 8:11 AM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am frustrated. Irritated. And dropping back to my emo mood. Hell, don't even feel like ranting. Okay, no more.
Haha love my emo kia.

eaten *chomp* @ 4:57 AM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gawd, why must they talk about money situation in front of us again.
My uncle now can't support himself, let alone my grandma.
My the other uncle does not have enough money and keeps borrowing from my dad.

I swear I will support my grandma if I have the money. But I don't. I don't.
Suddenly, I wish I am a Year 3 and is having SIP.
Schoolwork is neverending and I can't even go Digiskin to work.

These few days I am just feeling guilty of all my feelings, even if it did not matter at all.
I hate myself for being sensitive.
Sorta 'disliking' (what I called)past people more and more for many particular reasons (I hope some people don't think it's them) or in relate with my previous rant.
Will there comes a day I truly hate someone?


eaten *chomp* @ 4:38 AM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Oh yea, I was gonna leave it dead but oh well, I am alive!!! XD

This sem is tough, projects are coming in like mad. Since we are half IT and Design, we get assignment on both sides, but it's the design side that is killing me.
3 different projects at a go! Design school de blocking teaching also don't have so much lo~

I am pretty scared I cannot make it for my EOY cosplay, be it mentally or physically x(, now then I realised it's only 1 month away and placing orders need around that much of time.
So far customing costume, still left wig, wig cap, shirt, shoe , whip, enzo, shoes and contacts lo. At this work rate, I doubt I can finish...

During our halloween haunted house event, got a guy say "EH , why this ghost so small one?" after he saw me. Am I really that tiny...? ._.
Btw, our Anime/Manga subcomm getting livelier, it's so much fun, you guys are the best 8D and mai mojo! I love my mama and papa too <3

Flingers are getting on my nerves also.
I hate it that when you seriously want to make good friends with guys nowadays, they don't even treat you as one. Instead as flings.
Shit these people, thats why I don't believe in making good friends with guys anymore, to them, it's just 'hit and run and hit and run' AND THEY DON'T EVEN DESERVE IT.
Worse scenario, is some can be thick-skinned and think you like 'em lawls.
To me, good friends are those you can/might chill out with every now and then, with or without reasons, and show care and concern to each other. Not those you don't have any more girls to talk with then come and 撒嬌 to me =3=
Thanks castillo, you are sorta one of the very few guy good friends I have and whom, I can feel comfortable hanging out with plus talk lots of crap to (maybe cause you like ahem lol). I still love my girls a lot more lol~

Oh much stuff I wanna buy but no money , I should post up a list of my wants soon!! (blogshop)

eaten *chomp* @ 5:33 AM


Klutz + 路痴.
Lame & Random.
Professional lurker.
Weird Otaku fangirl.
Likes abusing lol and xD.
---------- 24|o2|91.
TPJCG||AM Subcomm.

blue + bubble tea + yummy food + cute stuff + ben's & jerry + pastamania sausage baked rice + sleep + daydream + photoshop 7 + $ + earrings + anime + manga + no. 2 & 13 + pretty art + doodling + doujinshi

skirt + vegetables+ arrogant assholes + being photographed

cosplay blog


To watch/read list
☆Amatsuki (5)
☆Nabari no Ou
☆Soul Eater
☆BLEACH (168 ++)
☆DGM Omakes (83)
☆Misc Manga (New Tenchi)

To learn list
★hip hop

Cosplay History/Plans
KHR Biz Suit PS ★ 28 Dec 08
Dino (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Cosfest VIII Day 2 ★ 12 July 09
Road (D.Gray-man)

GCA ☆ 19 – 20 Sept 09
Kokonoe (Blazblue)
EOY 2009 ☆
Marui Bunta (Tenipuri)
Photoshoot EOY'09-SOY'10 ☆
Ururu (Bleach)
Cosfest 2010☆
Umbreon (Pokemon)

More @ http://re-inspire.blogspot.com/



x x x x x