Saturday, January 24, 2009

lol random lame thing.
A same feeling come back again. Again.I am bored of all things now, not necessary 'physical' stuff too. Is there something exciting and challenge.. Hm..
I have a contradicting thought regarding skip beat also. So far I find it good that it is different from other typical shoujo manga cause it's romance hints started late. Which I like, cause I would usually get sick of the rest of he stories when the girl and guy get together [typical stories again]. However, I am hoping that the romance part would come out quickly ~_~ But then, I would lost interest soon after that I guess ~____~;;
Damnit it, I was still owed my pay and contact lens refund. Looking for white boots under 60 bucks before 31 Jan >_<
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I am getting back the Prince of Tennis fever!!!
The new series is coming out!! Currently Sakura Ken'ichi artist of dragon drive is drawing
The Prince of Afterschool, a
4 panel tribute manga to PoT, which mainly consists of
There is also the new taiwan drama of PoT, the cast doesn't look as pleasing though (maybe I'll try a few episodes), I can't wait to see the
Shitenhouji cast of
Tenipuri Musicals!!!!! <3
Okay onwards to the details!!:
The new Prince of Tennis manga will be known as 'Shin Tennis no Oujisama', which will begin serializing in March!
The Story will begin with a gather of the best 100+ junior tennis players in japan, which will be cut down to a team of 50 (The 'Dream Team') for the Senbatsu Tournamant, along with the arrivals of new uniforms!!!!!
Sounds exciting to me! Hope my favourites get in and there will be new characters which mean NEW BISHIES XD
Atobe, Oshitari, Shishido, Jiroh, Marui, Niou, Kirihara, Fuji, Ryoma, Eiji, Saeki, Sengoku, Shiraishi, Kenya, Zaizen and Shinji PLEASE GET IN XD <33333
According to the author, the original series we have been reading for years is just a PREQUEL X_X...
To-do list for Tenipuri:1)Check back Tenipuri comm for all past PoT updates
2)Read the PoT game Doki Doki Survival translation3)Watch Dramapuri [8/22]
4)Check out the Shitenhouji cast list5)Watch PoT OVA 24 [25 & 26 @ Jan 23]
6)DL all Tenimyu fav images7)Check if 40.5 is in store!!! [Feb/Mar]
To-show-Simp de list:1)Megane vid (and the bikini one if didn't receive)
2)Wake up calls vids
3)Valentine Kiss!!!!!!!!