Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Haha it seems that I've drafted quite some of my entries. Anyway like Simp said, I am becoming like a neet lol. Okay maybe I am one lol. At least haven't reach the stage of Hikikomori right haha?
Today I spent my day finishing a new drama.
Tadashii Ouji no Tsukurikata

In this school comedy, a girls' high school suddenly goes co-ed, but the incoming boys are far below their expectations. As a result, some of the girls start a project to reform the boys into "princes."
Before transformation ★ After transformation
Why do I wanna watch that initially?
B)The transformations
(which turns out to be nothing special)The mobile guy's transformation is the most epic one, what can I say XD
I don't really like the story that much actually because the girls are all super 花痴 and ruined it. I quite like Souma and Kirin s' pairs though lol.
The senseis are damn awesome. Nagayan and Kawai!! Kawai is not even that old to be called an Oji (Come on he is like 3 years older than Kirin/Kiriyama only) XD. Had to admit Nagayan look too young for his age, can't believe he is in thirties already XD Episode 11 made me rofl most.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
SHIN POT MANGA CHAPTER 2 & 3 ARE OUT *SPARKLES*Omg almost all of my favourites got in the team!!!!!!
Lol they never fail to amuse me , especially this page XD
A guy is asking for challenge, and said "

Then a megane Ryoma gets on court and unsurprisingly owns.
Friday, April 3, 2009
At least something brought me joy among the discomfort...
Kamakari Kenta fanclub booklet 003 and a Kamakari photoset from Shitenmyu (≧▽≦)♥♥HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPY. This is my entry :D

Click for larger view (:
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randomtossI had a hard time making it (like 3 days straight or smth during mid march) with almost no knowledge of livejournal layout D: (have to thank the guide)
This is probably the most useful thing I did in March.
I really can't finish the logo design within these few days cause I am feeling uncomfy TT_____TT And now that I've gotten better...External logo design dateline reached. Haha, just my luck =w=☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Sentimental thoughts on Graphics making, yeah it's a serious post?I feel that I am taking my iconing passion for granted.
Now that I quitted iconing, it symbolized my graphics skills coming to a standstill.
Because of iconing I learnt new, 'in' techniques and skills, & most importantly, the eye of criticism (that I love and hate most), which helps me a lot in spotting my own mistakes, and focusing on details.I have been using my current skills/techniques for project and didn't develop/explore anything new at all. For one whole year, I did not improve. I felt somewhat saddening that I might have deproved.
Without icontests, I not even boosting my own techniques. My brain is not being challenged and creative juices all gone. Looking at my old work, I doubt I can even produce back the stuff that I was once very proud of and earned me certain honors online.Thus, I made myself believe that my stuff are just worth nothing.
Most importantly, I realised I could not be a professional in the design industry in future. Because I do what I want, and I always do what I like. Thats what that killed me. I am picky, I won't change (YES I AM STILL STUCK AT PHOTOSHOP7)♥. I don't know what I am turning into now, or rather what-to-be.
I just know that currently I am working on a fanart.
Am in love with icon colouring (human) <- never liked it at all when I was iconing anime). Can't believe my interest change, kudos KenKen.Btw, by icon colouring I mean these.




Not colouring lineart. NOT JUST SLAPPING TEXTURES OVER but also playing with fills, curves, selective colours etc mkay. Try 'em, it's fun :'D
But I see no desire in going back to icontest anymore. I just like plain colouring, yes something lazy, and lack of technique, looks simple yet is hard to achieve, something that is
underappreciated by many. And please people, the quality too. Screw pixelation.
Hopefully, I will find what I want. Haha dying of text? Woah 2 screen long and it's actually ard 360 words only 8D